blob: a13d3842ddfc5ccd453f620e3ea76fa2697a02d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//go:generate go run gen.go
//go:generate go run -w -local builtins.go
//go:generate gofmt -s -w builtins.go
package cue
import (
// A builtin is a builtin function or constant.
// A function may return and a constant may be any of the following types:
// error (translates to bottom)
// nil (translates to null)
// bool
// int*
// uint*
// float64
// string
// *big.Float
// *big.Int
// For any of the above, including interface{} and these types recursively:
// []T
// map[string]T
type builtin struct {
Name string
pkg label
Params []kind
Result kind
Func func(c *callCtxt)
// Const interface{}
Const string
type builtinPkg struct {
native []*builtin
cue string
func mustCompileBuiltins(ctx *context, p *builtinPkg, pkgName string) *structLit {
obj := &structLit{}
pkgLabel := ctx.label(pkgName, false)
for _, b := range p.native {
b.pkg = pkgLabel
f := ctx.label(b.Name, false) // never starts with _
// n := &node{baseValue: newBase(imp.Path)}
var v evaluated = b
if b.Const != "" {
v = mustParseConstBuiltin(ctx, b.Name, b.Const)
obj.arcs = append(obj.arcs, arc{feature: f, v: v})
// Parse builtin CUE
if p.cue != "" {
expr, err := parser.ParseExpr(pkgName, p.cue)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("could not parse %v: %v", p.cue, err))
pkg := evalExpr(ctx, obj, expr).(*structLit)
for _, a := range pkg.arcs {
// Discard option status and attributes at top level.
// TODO: filter on capitalized fields?
obj.insertValue(ctx, a.feature, false, false, a.v, nil,
return obj
// newConstBuiltin parses and creates any CUE expression that does not have
// fields.
func mustParseConstBuiltin(ctx *context, name, val string) evaluated {
expr, err := parser.ParseExpr("<builtin:"+name+">", val)
if err != nil {
v := newVisitor(ctx.index, nil, nil, nil, false)
value := v.walk(expr)
return value.evalPartial(ctx)
var _ caller = &builtin{}
var lenBuiltin = &builtin{
Name: "len",
Params: []kind{stringKind | bytesKind | listKind | structKind},
Result: intKind,
Func: func(c *callCtxt) {
v := c.value(0)
switch k := v.IncompleteKind(); k {
case StructKind:
s, err := v.structValData(c.ctx)
if err != nil {
c.ret = err
c.ret = s.Len()
case ListKind:
i := 0
iter, err := v.List()
if err != nil {
c.ret = err
for ; iter.Next(); i++ {
c.ret = i
case BytesKind:
b, err := v.Bytes()
if err != nil {
c.ret = err
c.ret = len(b)
case StringKind:
s, err := v.String()
if err != nil {
c.ret = err
c.ret = len(s)
c.ret = errors.Newf(token.NoPos,
"invalid argument type %v", k)
var closeBuiltin = &builtin{
Name: "close",
Params: []kind{structKind},
Result: structKind,
Func: func(c *callCtxt) {
s, ok := c.args[0].(*structLit)
if !ok {
c.ret = errors.Newf(c.args[0].Pos(), "struct argument must be concrete")
c.ret = s.close()
var andBuiltin = &builtin{
Name: "and",
Params: []kind{listKind},
Result: intKind,
Func: func(c *callCtxt) {
iter := c.iter(0)
if !iter.Next() {
c.ret = &top{baseValue{c.src}}
u := iter.Value().path.v
for iter.Next() {
u = mkBin(c.ctx, c.src.Pos(), opUnify, u, iter.Value().path.v)
c.ret = u
var orBuiltin = &builtin{
Name: "or",
Params: []kind{listKind},
Result: intKind,
Func: func(c *callCtxt) {
iter := c.iter(0)
d := []dValue{}
for iter.Next() {
d = append(d, dValue{iter.Value().path.v, false})
c.ret = &disjunction{baseValue{c.src}, d, nil, false}
if len(d) == 0 {
// TODO(manifest): This should not be unconditionally incomplete,
// but it requires results from comprehensions and all to have
// some special status. Maybe this can be solved by having results
// of list comprehensions be open if they result from iterating over
// an open list or struct. This would actually be exactly what
// that means. The error here could then only add an incomplete
// status if the source is open.
c.ret = c.ctx.mkErr(c.src, codeIncomplete, "empty list in call to or")
func (x *builtin) representedKind() kind {
if x.isValidator() {
return x.Params[0]
return x.kind()
func (x *builtin) kind() kind {
return lambdaKind
func (x *builtin) evalPartial(ctx *context) evaluated {
return x
func (x *builtin) subsumesImpl(s *subsumer, v value) bool {
if y, ok := v.(*builtin); ok {
return x == y
return false
func (x *builtin) name(ctx *context) string {
if x.pkg == 0 {
return x.Name
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", ctx.labelStr(x.pkg), x.Name)
func (x *builtin) isValidator() bool {
return len(x.Params) == 1 && x.Result == boolKind
func convertBuiltin(v evaluated) evaluated {
x, ok := v.(*builtin)
if ok && x.isValidator() {
return &customValidator{v.base(), []evaluated{}, x}
return v
func (x *builtin) call(ctx *context, src source, args ...evaluated) (ret value) {
if x.Func == nil {
return ctx.mkErr(x, "builtin %s is not a function",
if len(x.Params)-1 == len(args) && x.Result == boolKind {
// We have a custom builtin
return &customValidator{src.base(), args, x}
switch {
case len(x.Params) < len(args):
return ctx.mkErr(src, x, "too many arguments in call to %s (have %d, want %d)",, len(args), len(x.Params))
case len(x.Params) > len(args):
return ctx.mkErr(src, x, "not enough arguments in call to %s (have %d, want %d)",, len(args), len(x.Params))
for i, a := range args {
if x.Params[i] != bottomKind {
if unifyType(x.Params[i], a.kind()) == bottomKind {
const msg = "cannot use %s (type %s) as %s in argument %d to %s"
return ctx.mkErr(src, x, msg, ctx.str(a), a.kind(), x.Params[i], i+1,
call := callCtxt{src: src, ctx: ctx, builtin: x, args: args}
defer func() {
var errVal interface{} = call.err
if err := recover(); err != nil {
errVal = err
const msg = "error in call to %s: %v"
switch err := errVal.(type) {
case nil:
case *callError:
ret = err.b
case *json.MarshalerError:
if err, ok := err.Err.(*marshalError); ok && err.b != nil {
ret = err.b
case *marshalError:
ret = err.b
ret = ctx.mkErr(src, x, ret, msg,, err)
case *valueError:
ret = err.err
ret = ctx.mkErr(src, x, ret, msg,, err)
if call.err == internal.ErrIncomplete {
ret = ctx.mkErr(src, codeIncomplete, "incomplete value")
} else {
// TODO: store the underlying error explicitly
ret = ctx.mkErr(src, x, msg,, err)
switch v := call.ret.(type) {
case value:
return v
case *valueError:
return v.err
return convert(ctx, x, true, call.ret)
// callCtxt is passed to builtin implementations.
type callCtxt struct {
src source
ctx *context
builtin *builtin
args []evaluated
err error
ret interface{}
func (c *callCtxt) name() string {
var builtins = map[string]*Instance{}
func initBuiltins(pkgs map[string]*builtinPkg) {
ctx := sharedIndex.newContext()
keys := []string{}
for k := range pkgs {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
b := pkgs[k]
e := mustCompileBuiltins(ctx, b, k)
i := sharedIndex.addInst(&Instance{
ImportPath: k,
PkgName: path.Base(k),
rootStruct: e,
rootValue: e,
builtins[k] = i
builtins["-/"+path.Base(k)] = i
func getBuiltinShorthandPkg(ctx *context, shorthand string) *structLit {
return getBuiltinPkg(ctx, "-/"+shorthand)
func getBuiltinPkg(ctx *context, path string) *structLit {
p, ok := builtins[path]
if !ok {
return nil
return p.rootStruct
func init() {
internal.UnifyBuiltin = func(val interface{}, kind string) interface{} {
v := val.(Value)
ctx := v.ctx()
p := strings.Split(kind, ".")
pkg, name := p[0], p[1]
s := getBuiltinPkg(ctx, pkg)
if s == nil {
return v
a := s.lookup(ctx, ctx.label(name, false))
if a.v == nil {
return v
return v.Unify(newValueRoot(ctx, a.v.evalPartial(ctx)))
// do returns whether the call should be done.
func (c *callCtxt) do() bool {
return c.err == nil
type callError struct {
b *bottom
func (e *callError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprint(e.b)
func (c *callCtxt) errf(src source, underlying error, format string, args ...interface{}) {
a := make([]interface{}, 0, 2+len(args))
if err, ok := underlying.(*valueError); ok {
a = append(a, err.err)
a = append(a, format)
a = append(a, args...)
err := c.ctx.mkErr(src, a...)
c.err = &callError{err}
func (c *callCtxt) value(i int) Value {
v := newValueRoot(c.ctx, c.args[i])
v, _ = v.Default()
if !v.IsConcrete() {
c.errf(c.src, v.toErr(c.ctx.mkErr(c.src, codeIncomplete,
"non-concrete value")), "incomplete")
return v
func (c *callCtxt) structVal(i int) *Struct {
v := newValueRoot(c.ctx, c.args[i])
s, err := v.Struct()
if err != nil {
c.invalidArgType(c.args[i], i, "struct", err)
return nil
return s
func (c *callCtxt) invalidArgType(arg value, i int, typ string, err error) {
if err != nil {
c.errf(c.src, err, "cannot use %s (type %s) as %s in argument %d to %s: %v",
c.ctx.str(arg), arg.kind(), typ, i,, err)
} else {
c.errf(c.src, nil, "cannot use %s (type %s) as %s in argument %d to %s",
c.ctx.str(arg), arg.kind(), typ, i,
func (c *callCtxt) int(i int) int { return int(c.intValue(i, 64, "int64")) }
func (c *callCtxt) int8(i int) int8 { return int8(c.intValue(i, 8, "int8")) }
func (c *callCtxt) int16(i int) int16 { return int16(c.intValue(i, 16, "int16")) }
func (c *callCtxt) int32(i int) int32 { return int32(c.intValue(i, 32, "int32")) }
func (c *callCtxt) rune(i int) rune { return rune(c.intValue(i, 32, "rune")) }
func (c *callCtxt) int64(i int) int64 { return int64(c.intValue(i, 64, "int64")) }
func (c *callCtxt) intValue(i, bits int, typ string) int64 {
arg := c.args[i]
x := newValueRoot(c.ctx, arg)
n, err := x.Int(nil)
if err != nil {
c.invalidArgType(arg, i, typ, err)
return 0
if n.BitLen() > bits {
c.errf(c.src, err, "int %s overflows %s in argument %d in call to %s",
n, typ, i,
res, _ := x.Int64()
return res
func (c *callCtxt) uint(i int) uint { return uint(c.uintValue(i, 64, "uint64")) }
func (c *callCtxt) uint8(i int) uint8 { return uint8(c.uintValue(i, 8, "uint8")) }
func (c *callCtxt) byte(i int) uint8 { return byte(c.uintValue(i, 8, "byte")) }
func (c *callCtxt) uint16(i int) uint16 { return uint16(c.uintValue(i, 16, "uint16")) }
func (c *callCtxt) uint32(i int) uint32 { return uint32(c.uintValue(i, 32, "uint32")) }
func (c *callCtxt) uint64(i int) uint64 { return uint64(c.uintValue(i, 64, "uint64")) }
func (c *callCtxt) uintValue(i, bits int, typ string) uint64 {
x := newValueRoot(c.ctx, c.args[i])
n, err := x.Int(nil)
if err != nil || n.Sign() < 0 {
c.invalidArgType(c.args[i], i, typ, err)
return 0
if n.BitLen() > bits {
c.errf(c.src, err, "int %s overflows %s in argument %d in call to %s",
n, typ, i,
res, _ := x.Uint64()
return res
func (c *callCtxt) decimal(i int) *apd.Decimal {
x := newValueRoot(c.ctx, c.args[i])
if _, err := x.MantExp(nil); err != nil {
c.invalidArgType(c.args[i], i, "Decimal", err)
return nil
return &c.args[i].(*numLit).v
func (c *callCtxt) float64(i int) float64 {
x := newValueRoot(c.ctx, c.args[i])
res, err := x.Float64()
if err != nil {
c.invalidArgType(c.args[i], i, "float64", err)
return 0
return res
func (c *callCtxt) bigInt(i int) *big.Int {
x := newValueRoot(c.ctx, c.args[i])
n, err := x.Int(nil)
if err != nil {
c.invalidArgType(c.args[i], i, "int", err)
return nil
return n
func (c *callCtxt) bigFloat(i int) *big.Float {
x := newValueRoot(c.ctx, c.args[i])
var mant big.Int
exp, err := x.MantExp(&mant)
if err != nil {
c.invalidArgType(c.args[i], i, "float", err)
return nil
f := &big.Float{}
if exp != 0 {
var g big.Float
e := big.NewInt(int64(exp))
f.Mul(f, g.SetInt(e.Exp(ten, e, nil)))
return f
func (c *callCtxt) string(i int) string {
x := newValueRoot(c.ctx, c.args[i])
v, err := x.String()
if err != nil {
c.invalidArgType(c.args[i], i, "string", err)
return ""
return v
func (c *callCtxt) bytes(i int) []byte {
x := newValueRoot(c.ctx, c.args[i])
v, err := x.Bytes()
if err != nil {
c.invalidArgType(c.args[i], i, "bytes", err)
return nil
return v
func (c *callCtxt) reader(i int) io.Reader {
x := newValueRoot(c.ctx, c.args[i])
// TODO: optimize for string and bytes cases
r, err := x.Reader()
if err != nil {
c.invalidArgType(c.args[i], i, "bytes|string", err)
return nil
return r
func (c *callCtxt) bool(i int) bool {
x := newValueRoot(c.ctx, c.args[i])
b, err := x.Bool()
if err != nil {
c.invalidArgType(c.args[i], i, "bool", err)
return false
return b
func (c *callCtxt) list(i int) (a []Value) {
arg := c.args[i]
x := newValueRoot(c.ctx, arg)
v, err := x.List()
if err != nil {
c.invalidArgType(c.args[i], i, "list", err)
return a
for v.Next() {
a = append(a, v.Value())
return a
func (c *callCtxt) iter(i int) (a Iterator) {
arg := c.args[i]
x := newValueRoot(c.ctx, arg)
v, err := x.List()
if err != nil {
c.invalidArgType(c.args[i], i, "list", err)
return Iterator{ctx: c.ctx}
return v
func (c *callCtxt) decimalList(i int) (a []*apd.Decimal) {
arg := c.args[i]
x := newValueRoot(c.ctx, arg)
v, err := x.List()
if err != nil {
c.invalidArgType(c.args[i], i, "list", err)
return nil
for j := 0; v.Next(); j++ {
num, err := v.Value().getNum(numKind)
if err != nil {
c.errf(c.src, err, "invalid list element %d in argument %d to %s: %v",
j, i,, err)
a = append(a, &num.v)
return a
func (c *callCtxt) strList(i int) (a []string) {
arg := c.args[i]
x := newValueRoot(c.ctx, arg)
v, err := x.List()
if err != nil {
c.invalidArgType(c.args[i], i, "list", err)
return nil
for j := 0; v.Next(); j++ {
str, err := v.Value().String()
if err != nil {
c.errf(c.src, err, "invalid list element %d in argument %d to %s: %v",
j, i,, err)
a = append(a, str)
return a