blob: ac997b64604e68857882c16f0793e9e3e7d67a40 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package literal
import (
// Form defines how to quote a string or bytes literal.
type Form struct {
quote byte
multiline bool
auto bool
exact bool
asciiOnly bool
graphicOnly bool
indent string
// TODO:
// - Fixed or max level of escape modifiers (#""#).
// - Option to fall back to bytes if value cannot be represented as string.
// E.g. ExactString.
// - QuoteExact that fails with an error if a string cannot be represented
// without loss.
// - Handle auto-breaking for long lines (Swift-style, \-terminated lines).
// This is not supported yet in CUE, but may, and should be considred as
// a possibility in API design.
// - Other possible convenience forms: Blob (auto-break bytes), String (bytes
// or string), Label.
// WithTabIndent returns a new Form with indentation set to the given number
// of tabs. The result will be a multiline string.
func (f Form) WithTabIndent(n int) Form {
f.indent = tabs(n)
f.multiline = true
return f
const tabIndent = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"
func tabs(n int) string {
if n < len(tabIndent) {
return tabIndent[:n]
return strings.Repeat("\t", n)
// WithOptionalIndent is like WithTabIndent, but only returns a multiline
// strings if it doesn't contain any newline characters.
func (f Form) WithOptionalTabIndent(tabs int) Form {
if tabs < len(tabIndent) {
f.indent = tabIndent[:tabs]
} else {
f.indent = strings.Repeat("\t", tabs)
} = true
return f
// WithASCIIOnly ensures the quoted strings consists solely of valid ASCII
// characters.
func (f Form) WithASCIIOnly() Form {
f.asciiOnly = true
return f
// WithGraphicOnly ensures the quoted strings consists solely of printable
// characters.
func (f Form) WithGraphicOnly() Form {
f.graphicOnly = true
return f
var (
// String defines the format of a CUE string. Conversions may be lossy.
String Form = stringForm
// TODO: ExactString: quotes to bytes type if the string cannot be
// represented without loss of accuracy.
// Label is like Text, but optimized for labels.
Label Form = stringForm
// Bytes defines the format of bytes literal.
Bytes Form = bytesForm
stringForm = Form{quote: '"'}
bytesForm = Form{quote: '\'', exact: true}
// Quote returns CUE string literal representing s. The returned string uses CUE
// escape sequences (\t, \n, \u00FF, \u0100) for control characters and
// non-printable characters as defined by strconv.IsPrint.
// It reports an error if the string cannot be converted to the desired form.
func (f Form) Quote(s string) string {
return string(f.Append(make([]byte, 0, 3*len(s)/2), s))
const (
lowerhex = "0123456789abcdef"
// Append appends a CUE string literal representing s, as generated by Quote, to
// buf and returns the extended buffer.
func (f Form) Append(buf []byte, s string) []byte {
if && strings.ContainsRune(s, '\n') {
f.multiline = true
// Often called with big strings, so preallocate. If there's quoting,
// this is conservative but still helps a lot.
if cap(buf)-len(buf) < len(s) {
nBuf := make([]byte, len(buf), len(buf)+1+len(s)+1)
copy(nBuf, buf)
buf = nBuf
buf = append(buf, f.quote)
if f.multiline {
buf = append(buf, f.quote, f.quote, '\n')
if s == "" {
buf = append(buf, f.indent...)
buf = append(buf, f.quote, f.quote, f.quote)
return buf
if len(s) > 0 && s[0] != '\n' {
buf = append(buf, f.indent...)
buf = f.appendEscaped(buf, s)
if f.multiline {
buf = append(buf, '\n')
buf = append(buf, f.indent...)
buf = append(buf, f.quote, f.quote, f.quote)
} else {
buf = append(buf, f.quote)
return buf
// AppendEscaped appends a CUE string literal representing s, as generated by
// Quote but without the quotes, to buf and returns the extended buffer.
// It does not include the last indentation.
func (f Form) AppendEscaped(buf []byte, s string) []byte {
if && strings.ContainsRune(s, '\n') {
f.multiline = true
// Often called with big strings, so preallocate. If there's quoting,
// this is conservative but still helps a lot.
if cap(buf)-len(buf) < len(s) {
nBuf := make([]byte, len(buf), len(buf)+1+len(s)+1)
copy(nBuf, buf)
buf = nBuf
buf = f.appendEscaped(buf, s)
return buf
func (f Form) appendEscaped(buf []byte, s string) []byte {
for width := 0; len(s) > 0; s = s[width:] {
r := rune(s[0])
width = 1
if r >= utf8.RuneSelf {
r, width = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
if f.exact && width == 1 && r == utf8.RuneError {
buf = append(buf, `\x`...)
buf = append(buf, lowerhex[s[0]>>4])
buf = append(buf, lowerhex[s[0]&0xF])
if f.multiline && r == '\n' {
buf = append(buf, '\n')
if len(s) > 1 && s[1] != '\n' {
buf = append(buf, f.indent...)
buf = f.appendEscapedRune(buf, r)
return buf
func (f *Form) appendEscapedRune(buf []byte, r rune) []byte {
var runeTmp [utf8.UTFMax]byte
if (!f.multiline && r == rune(f.quote)) || r == '\\' { // always backslashed
buf = append(buf, '\\')
buf = append(buf, byte(r))
return buf
if f.asciiOnly {
if r < utf8.RuneSelf && strconv.IsPrint(r) {
buf = append(buf, byte(r))
return buf
} else if strconv.IsPrint(r) || f.graphicOnly && isInGraphicList(r) {
n := utf8.EncodeRune(runeTmp[:], r)
buf = append(buf, runeTmp[:n]...)
return buf
switch r {
case '\a':
buf = append(buf, `\a`...)
case '\b':
buf = append(buf, `\b`...)
case '\f':
buf = append(buf, `\f`...)
case '\n':
buf = append(buf, `\n`...)
case '\r':
buf = append(buf, `\r`...)
case '\t':
buf = append(buf, `\t`...)
case '\v':
buf = append(buf, `\v`...)
switch {
case r < ' ' && f.exact:
buf = append(buf, `\x`...)
buf = append(buf, lowerhex[byte(r)>>4])
buf = append(buf, lowerhex[byte(r)&0xF])
case r > utf8.MaxRune:
r = 0xFFFD
case r < 0x10000:
buf = append(buf, `\u`...)
for s := 12; s >= 0; s -= 4 {
buf = append(buf, lowerhex[r>>uint(s)&0xF])
buf = append(buf, `\U`...)
for s := 28; s >= 0; s -= 4 {
buf = append(buf, lowerhex[r>>uint(s)&0xF])
return buf
// isInGraphicList reports whether the rune is in the isGraphic list. This separation
// from IsGraphic allows quoteWith to avoid two calls to IsPrint.
// Should be called only if IsPrint fails.
func isInGraphicList(r rune) bool {
// We know r must fit in 16 bits - see makeisprint.go.
if r > 0xFFFF {
return false
rr := uint16(r)
i := bsearch16(isGraphic, rr)
return i < len(isGraphic) && rr == isGraphic[i]
// bsearch16 returns the smallest i such that a[i] >= x.
// If there is no such i, bsearch16 returns len(a).
func bsearch16(a []uint16, x uint16) int {
i, j := 0, len(a)
for i < j {
h := i + (j-i)/2
if a[h] < x {
i = h + 1
} else {
j = h
return i
// isGraphic lists the graphic runes not matched by IsPrint.
var isGraphic = []uint16{